Pediatrician Referring to a Chiropractor?

A mother and father arrive with their young child for his one month check up with their pediatrician.  During the visit they mention the young boy is not opening his jaw all the way, has limited neck motion, and while gaining adequate weight, the feedings are quite uncomfortable for mom due to the lack of jaw extension.  The pediatrician picks up the phone, calls his chiropractic colleague and refers the young boy for a chiropractic evaluation.  Does this seem like fantasy?  Well, this exact situation played out in my office just this week.  And it is due to the relationships that can be built using a systematic approach, like those of The Evidence Based Chiropractor.  


While most of the research provided by The Evidence Based Chiropractor is not pediatric specific, it is still extremely valuable to distribute this literature to your local pediatricians (assuming you are interested in seeing children in your practice).  The research positions you and your practice as one which is current, modern, up to date, and a trusty worthy source of health care for your community.  Then by using additional tools such as those outlined in The MD Meeting Report, you can establish the personal rapport necessary to facilitate these referrals.  


I don’t know about you, but the idea that my local pediatricians will “stand up” and directly refer patients to my office gets me really excited.  This is not about “seeking the approval” of local MD’s, but rather working in collaboration and gaining exposure to patients whom may have not made it to your office on their own.  After all, less than 12% of the population visits chiropractic offices. When other physicians in my community directly refer to my office I take pride in exposing their patients to our wonderful profession.  Join us, and utilize our elegant and effective service designed to facilitate these types of referrals.   


The Evidence Based Chiropractor  is the fastest growing chiropractic marketing group in the profession.  The service, founded and run by Dr. Jeff Langmaid, is dedicated to increasing chiropractic utilization by showcasing research.  Marketing to medical doctors through research is proven, cost effective, and can dramatically improve your incoming referrals. Join us.  Lets grow chiropractic together

