Epidural Steroid Injections Performed No Better than Lidocaine Injections- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor

This large, multi center study published by the New England Journal of Medicine found that, for patients with lumbar stenosis, injections of lidocaine performed just as well as injections containing lidocaine and corticosteroids.  The study was double-blinded and randomized.  

“Compared to injections with local anesthetic alone, injections with glucocorticoids provided these patients with minimal or no additional benefit.” said the author of the study, Janna L. Friedly, MD.

This study may have important implications.  Earlier this year we touched on a study which showed that ESI's have greatly increased the risk of lumbar vertebral fracture.  Additionally, ESI's have a fairly high complication rate and their effectiveness is questionable at best when compared to other conservative care options.  

-The Evidence Based Chiropractor is the fastest growing chiropractic marketing group in the profession.  The service, founded and run by Dr. Jeff Langmaid, is dedicated to increasing chiropractic utilization by showcasing research.  Marketing to medical doctors through research is proven, cost effective, and can dramatically improve your incoming referrals.  Join us.  Lets grow chiropractic together. 
