md referrals chiropractor

Referral Patterns of Primary Care Physicians and Chiropractors- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor

Our July 2014 MD Research Brief is set to look at a piece of research from BioMed Central titled, "Referral Patterns and Attitudes of Primary Care Physicians towards Chiropractors".  This should be considered essential reading for any chiropractor looking to establish interdisciplinary referral relationships.  

In short, they found that "87% of MD's reported that their patients had asked them for information about chiropractic, and clause to 75% of PCP's have patients who have requested a referral to a chiropractor".  This is great information.  We can concluded that nearly every (over three-quarters) of PCP's have patients interested in chiropractic care.  However, they also found that "only 24% of DO's and 29% of MD's had themselves formally referral a patient to a chiropractor".  This is a huge opportunity.  Patients are asking about chiropractic care and their PCP's are making scant referrals.  By building the relationships with these physicians and showcasing the efficacy, safety, and satisfaction associated with chiropractic care, you can position yourself as their first referral choice.  Our friends and neighbors are counting on us.  We provide one of the best conservative care options in the history of healthcare!  

-The Evidence Based Chiropractor is the fastest growing chiropractic marketing group in the profession.  The service, founded and run by Dr. Jeff Langmaid, is dedicated to increasing chiropractic utilization by showcasing research.  Marketing to medical doctors through research is proven, cost effective, and can dramatically improve your incoming referrals.  Join us.  Lets grow chiropractic together.
