Dr Jeff Langmaid
Chiropractor. Speaker. Author.
Just like you I am a practicing chiropractor. My current practice is with one of the nations largest spine care providers.
Highlighting the unique and distinct practice of chiropractic to other physicians has driven the development of The Evidence Based Chiropractor. Our neighbors and community members need us to establish referral relationships with other physicians and provide them with efficient and effective conservative care.
I am fortunate to be considered a leading speaker, writer, and thought-leader regarding interdisciplinary communication and marketing. If you are looking to become involved in a multidisciplinary practice or just build referral relationships with local medical doctors; I invite you to contact me and take advantage of The Evidence Based Chiropractor.
- Dr Jeff Langmaid
Speaker, Florida Chiropractic Conferences, "MRI Essentials for the Practicing Chiropractor". Tampa, FL June 2016
Speaker, Laser Spine Institute, "Post-Surgical Spine Rehabilitation". Tampa, FL. February 2016
Television Guest Expert, “Guide to Holiday Travel”, Studio10 Live. ABC News Affiliate. Tampa, FL. December 2015
Speaker, Laser Spine Institute, “Patients Guide to Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery”. Louisville, KY. December 2015
Speaker, Laser Spine Institute/National University of Health Sciences, “MRI Essentials for the Practicing Chiropractor”. Tampa, FL. November 2015
Speaker, Polk County Chiropractic Association, “Chiropractors Guide to Minimally Invasive Surgery”. Lakeland, FL. October 2015
Speaker, Laser Spine Institute. “Patients Guide to Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery”. Lexington, KY. October 2015
Speaker, California Chiropractic Association. “Post-Surgical Spine Rehabilitation” Anaheim, CA. August 2015
Speaker, Florida Chiropractic Conferences. “Interdisciplinary Communication and Research”. Jacksonville, FL. August 2015
Speaker, Laser Spine Institute. “Introduction to Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery”. Tampa, FL. Monthly from March 2015- present
Speaker, Kansas State Chiropractic Association. “Post-Surgical Spine Rehabilitation”. Kansas City, KS. May 2015
Speaker, Featured Guest. The Chiropractic Philanthropist. 2014
Speaker, Florida Chiropractic Conferences. “Interdisciplinary Communication and Outreach”. Boca Raton, FL. 2014
Speaker, Florida Chiropractic Conferences. “Interdisciplinary Communication and Outreach”. Tampa, FL. 2014
Speaker, Foundation for Orthopedic Research and Education, Florida Hospital Carrollwood. “Interdisciplinary Treatment of Patients with Chronic Pain”. 2014
Speaker, St. Joseph’s Hospital. “Conservative Spine Care During Pregnancy”. 2013
Featured Expert, “6 Things Chiropractic Can Help With..” PREVENTION Magazine. November 2015
Member of the Hillsborough County Chiropractic Society 2015- Writer, Featured Guest. Circle of Docs. 2014
Writer, Featured Guest. Next Generation Chiropractor. 2014
Member of the Tampa Bay Birth Network- 2013-
Board of Directors, Valrico/Fish Hawk Chamber of Commerce- 2013 Official Physician of the Skatepark of Tampa- 2012-
Official Physician of Bloomingdale High School Football- 2012 Member of the University of Tampa Alumni Association- 2012- Official Physician of the Alternative Press Fall Tour- 2011
Rhode Island Governor’s Award of Recognition- 2010
Member of the Rhode Island Birth Network- 2007-2009
Member of the Providence Chamber of Commerce- 2008
Spondylolisthesis. Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education. 2012
Cervical Total Disc Replacement. Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education. 2012
Diagnosing Spinal Cord Disorders. Duke University School of Medicine. 2012
Prevention of Medical Errors. Palmer College of Chiropractic. 2012
Ethical Issues in the Chiropractic Practice. Palmer College of Chiropractic. 2012
Evidence Based Approach to Interventional Spine Procedures: What Works and What Doesn’t for Back Pain. Princeton Health Care System. 2011
Patient Centered Primary Care Model. Princeton Health Care System. 2011
At the Crossroads: Mobile Health & Social Media. Princeton Health Care System. 2011 Mobile Health. Princeton Health Care System. 2011
Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering: Biomechanics and Orthopedics. Yale University. 2011 Primary Care and Prevention. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. 2011
Case-Based Lessons from the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine: Issues in Osteoporosis Management; Compression Fractures and Normal Bone Density. Cleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education. 2010
Defining Quality in Musculoskeletal Care: The View from the Inside-Health Care Centers and Institutions. Cleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education. 2010
Back Pain: Acute Low Back Pain in Adults. University of Michigan Health System, 2010
Patient-Physician Communication; A Patient Centered View. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Public Health. 2009
Disease Management Clinical Decisions: Obesity. Cleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education. 2009
Herniated Discs: Surgical vs. Non-operative Intervention. University of Alabama at Birmingham College of Medicine, 2008
Human Pathology: Acute Inflammation/Wound Healing & Repair. Tufts University School of Medicine. 2007
Aggressive Care Might Delay Recovery From Whiplash. MedScape Education. 2007 Interventional Pain Management: Low Back Pain. Tufts University School of Medicine. 2007
Evidenced Based Pain Therapy. Tufts University School of Medicine. 2007
Social and Behavioral Foundations of Primary Health Care: What Happened to Health for All? Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. 2006
Social and Behavioral Foundations of Primary Health Care: Social Networks. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. 2006