What other chiropractors are saying about MD Connection by The Evidence Based Chiropractor.

  • “I am currently averaging 30 referrals a month from local providers. Thank you for your help in making this happen!”

    — Dr. Boyle

  • "We have received 7 new patient referrals from a local medical group in less than 3 weeks. Keep up the great work."

    Dr. Houssain

  • “I wanted to let you know that we have been doing meetings for the past several weeks, and already my new patients have doubled!”

    — Dr. Jesse Riggin

  • “I am pleased to announce that we have doubled our direct MD Referrals since implementing your plan.”

    - Dr. Goldi Jacques-Maynes

  • “We have implemented The Evidence Based Chiropractor into our practice smoothly and effectively. Jeff Langmaid knows MD marketing. This combination has led us to a consistent referral base.”

    - Dr. Kevin Christie

  • “Last Wednesday, I had my first meeting with one of the largest and most well-respected practices in town. They referred 4 patients in the following 2 days!”

    - Dr. Ryan Key

  • “Just wanted you to know I have only been with your group two days and I got my first referral from a medical doctor.”

    - Dr. Bryan Call

  • "Starting to see about 4-5 New Patients per month from local providers we have never had referrals from. Thank you."

    - Dr. Smith

  • "You program was an unqualified success for us. We are buy, getting many medical referral each month thanks to you."

    Dr. McGee

  • "I'm getting referrals from a local hospital thanks for the program!"

    Dr. Kulla

  • "In the last 2 months I’ve gotten my first 3 MD referrals."

    - Dr. Van Hoewyk

  • "Already got 2 new patients!"

    Dr. Edwards

  • "Got my first MD referral yesterday!"

    - Dr. Most

  • " Have been with MD Connection for about 6 months and I have received 5 new patients from OBGYNs 2 new patients from specialist and 3 new patients from dentists."

    Dr. Murphy

  • "Lots of referrals from MD's this year, over a dozen for sure."

    - Dr. Brown

  • "Last week I also had my first non-patient initial referral directly from a doctor."

    - Dr. Leitch