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320- Surgery or Conservative Care After a Lumbar Disc Herniation
Does surgery or conservative care result in faster return to play or better outcomes in elite athletes struggling with a lumbar disc herniation? On today's episode, we examine the latest research.
Episode Notes:
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091- Lumbar Disc Herniations and Adjustments
New research shows the benefits of chiropractic care for those suffering with disc herniations. Also learn why this is the perfect research to share with other healthcare providers in your community.
Episode Highlights-
This episode brought to you in conjunction with Rocktape and Rockstock 2017.
Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here.
018- Chiropractic Care for MRI Confirmed Disc Hernations
This seminal paper from JMPT shows us the results of Chiropractic care for patients with symptomatic, MRI-confirmed, lumbar disc herniation's. They found significant improvement at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year. This is a paper you need to know about!
Episode Highlights-
This episode brought to you in conjunction with Rocktape
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