The most listened to chiropractic podcast in the world.
New episodes released every Monday at 6 am EST.
340- The Top 3 Reasons to Not Have Spine Surgery
Over one million people each year have elective spine surgery. Many aren't fully aware of the truth about the procedures and have mismatched expectations for the results. In this episode, I peel back the curtain on spine surgery and showcase the top three reasons to not have surgical intervention.
Episode Notes:
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045- Manipulation Proven More Effective than NSAID's
This episode explores on a randomized controlled trial that showed spinal manipulation to be more effective than both NSAID's and placebo. Discover why every chiropractor should know this study inside and out.
This episode explores on a randomized controlled trial that showed spinal manipulation to be more effective than both NSAID's and placebo. Discover why every chiropractor should know this study inside and out.
Episode Highlights-
This episode brought to you in conjunction with RockTape
This piece was highlighted as a Monthly Research Brief for the members of The Evidence Based Chiropractor. Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Click here now.
029- Comparing Adjustment Types and NSAID's for Low Back Pain
In this episode we explore the 2015 research article from SPINE which pitted various chiropractic adjustment techniques against NSAID's for low back pain. The results are a piece of knowledge that every chiropractor should have.
Episode Highlights-
This episode brought to you in conjunction with Rocktape
This piece was highlighted as a Monthly Research Brief for the members of The Evidence Based Chiropractor. Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Click here now.
028- Differences in Chiropractic Patients and Medical Patients
This week we explore a study which evaluated the differences between chiropractic patients and medical patients. Additionally, we touch on some news with The Evidence Based Chiropractor.
Episode Highlights-
This episode brought to you in conjunction with Rocktape
This piece was highlighted as a Monthly Research Brief for the members of The Evidence Based Chiropractor. Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? If so, click here now.
027- Improving Function and Health for an Aging Population
Health care institutions everywhere have been struggling with providing care for our aging population. As mobility decreases and disability increases; often independence is lost. Fortunately, research has begun to showcase the effects chiropractic care can have on our senior population. Hear how this research can be a talking point in your practice today!
Episode Highlights-
This episode brought to you in conjunction with Rocktape
This piece was highlighted as a Monthly Research Brief for the members of The Evidence Based Chiropractor. Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? If so, click here now.