The most listened to chiropractic podcast in the world.
New episodes released every Monday at 6 am EST.
313- How Sitting and Standing Can Change Lumbar Lordosis
Sitting for long periods of time each day directly contributes to the current epidemic of chronic low back pain. This study analyzed the differences in lumbar lordosis in five different sitting postures compared to a traditional standing posture.
Episode Highlights:
NovoPulse – Where recovery meets performance. Learn more about this new technology that reduces pain and inflammation while improving function to get your patients back to the activities they enjoy
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231- The Dynamics of Posture
Explore the basic research, current theory, and practical application of postural stress in your practice and how it impacts your patients.
Episode Highlights-
We help you automate the marketing of your chiropractic practice- The Smart Chiropractor
This episode brought to you in conjunction with Rocktape
Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!
170- The Link Between Posture and Respiratory Function
As smartphones and tablets have crept into our daily life, the structural and functional effects of these devices are starting to take shape. Tech neck and postural changes due to forward head posture have increasingly become a painful reminder of our technology-driven modern world.
Episode Highlights-
Effect of forward head posture on thoracic shape and respiratory function
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This episode brought to you in conjunction with Rocktape
Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!
168- The Link Between Thoracic Kyphosis and Rotator Cuff Tears
New research indicates that patients with a hyper-kyphotic thoracic spine may be 2,000% more likely to develop a rotator cuff tear than those with ideal posture! This is a HUGE opportunity for your practice.
Episode Highlights-
The impact of faulty posture on rotator cuff tears with and without symptoms.
Get your SUPER Early Bird Ticket to The Evidence Based Chiropractor LIVE Event HERE.
This episode brought to you in conjunction with Rocktape
Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!
047- Postural Neurology with Dr. Krista Burns
Postural Neurology. Quite simply this is how your brain and body are connected. Learn about how the limbic and vestibular systems interact with our body posture. Also, discover how you can make astonishing changes using postural neurology in your office. A great interview with Dr. Krista Burns of the American Posture Institute.
Episode Highlights-
Free download- The Top 20 Research Articles Every Brain-Based Practitioner Needs to Know
This episode brought to you in conjunction with RockTape
This piece was highlighted as a Monthly Research Brief for the members of The Evidence Based Chiropractor. Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Click here now.
009- Special Interview with Dr. Krista Burns of the American Posture Institute
This week I am proud to release a special interview with Dr. Krista Burns of the American Posture Institute. This high impact talk touches on posture research, the American Posture Institute, the League of Chiropractic Women, as well as some of her personal chiropractic history. Dr. Krista travels extensively teaching; and this interview shows why she is a leader in the chiropractic profession. As an added bonus she released the 24 Research Studies Every Posture Expert Needs to Know, which is linked below.
Episode Highlights-
The 24 Research Studies Every Posture Expert Needs to Know
RockTape- Proud to be a sponsor of The Evidence Based Chiropractor
A step by step system to increase referrals. Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? If so, click here.